Early childhood professionals play a powerful role in preventing child abuse and neglect. This professional development event will cover what it means to be a mandated reporter and how to report suspected abuse or neglect. Participants will also learn about various types of abuse and neglect, including abusive head trauma and shaken baby syndrome, and how to recognize signs of each.
This class meets 2 of the 4 hours of the Annual Health and Safety Topic Requirements. Funded in partnership by Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities and Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas. This is an in-person class being held at the Eureka Public Library.
Instructor: Mary Murphy
Core Competency: HSN.I.1.a; HSN.I.1.b; HSN.I.1.c; and HSN.I.1.d
CDA: 1
In-Service Hours: 2
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