This professional development event is designed to provide foundational knowledge and best practice information on health and safety topics for those providing child care. This class is for those new to licensed child care or those who would like a refresher on initial health and safety topics.
Part 1 will cover the following topics: child abuse and neglect including prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma, prevention and control of infectious diseases, childhood illnesses, medication administration, safe handling hazardous materials including bio-hazards and bodily fluids, and transportation safety.
This class meets the Initial Health and Safety Topic Requirements. Funded in partnership by Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities and Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas. This is an in-person class being held at the Topeka Child Care Aware office. A thirty minute lunch break will be provided.
Participants who register using the special link below and pay for both Part 1 for February 18 and Part 2 for February 20 will receive a discounted rate of $25 for both classes.
Instructor: Michelle Gilbert
Core Competency: HSN.F.1.a; HSN.F.1.c; HSN.G.1.a; HSN.G.1.b; HSN.G.1.c; HSN.I.1.a; HSN.I.1.b; HSN.I.1.c; HSN.I.1.d; and HSN.J.1.a
CDA: 1
Inservice Hours: 6
Part 2 will cover the following topics: basic child development including the supervision of children, safe sleep practices, emergency preparedness, prevention and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions and building and premises safety.
Instructor: Michelle Gilbert
Core Competency: CGD.C.1.a; HSN.A.1.a; HSN.D.1.b; HSN.E.1.a; HSN.E.1.e; HSN.E.1.f; HSN.G.1.a; HSN.H.1.a; HSN.H.1.b; and PLEC.C.1.a
CDA: 1 & 8
Inservice Hours: 6
Click Here to Register for Part 1 only.
Click Here to Register for Part 1 & 2 at the discounted rate.